Сертификат соответствия – документ, подтверждающий соответствие продукции требованиям качества и безопасности, установленными для нее действующими стандартами и правилами (ГОСТ 31311-2005 "Приборы отопительные. Общие технические условия").
Certificate of conformity for the manufactured products
Certificate of conformity affirms that a product conforms to legal safety and quality requirements that are defined by the current standards. Products of Isoterm Firm JSC have received the Certificate of Conformity in the margins of obligatory certification after having successfully passed tests in specialised laboratories.
Isoterm Firm JSC was the first company among the main manufacturers of hot-water convector heaters to receive the GOST “Heating appliances. General specifications” (31311-2005) Certificate of Conformity.
We would like to draw the attention of our clients and partners to the fact that, as of the effective date of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On obligatory certification of all heating appliances” №717 dated 17.06.2017, the certificates received as part of voluntary certification are no longer valid..
Quality Management System Certificate
Isoterm Firm JSC has received the ISO 9001 international standard certificate, that confirms the compliance of business processes with the current regulations, the expertise of the management, high technical level, compliance with the health and safety and conservation legislation.